Rescue program

Measures to rescue the species in the Czech republic

In P. praelongus localities, regular measures supporting this species are carried out; measures eliminating competitively stronger species and herbivores are preferred.


a) Sport fishing regulations

Sport fishing was practised in the TPA till its protection declaration. Nowadays, management in the TPA and its surroundings is complies with several restrictions. Fishing is banned in the whole TPA, which falls within non-trout waters of the district No. 451058 VcÚS ČRS. Since 2014, it has also been banned in the Kašparovo Lake, precisely in the estuary of the oxbow into the river. Fishing is allowed on the river shores near the TPA and in the neighbouring water pool at the curve of the Orlice River.


b) Reduction of riparian vegetation

Riparian vegetation is managed by the state enterprise of The Elbe River Basin (Povodí Labe, state company). An extensive cutting of Canadian poplars was done in 2002. Old trees are regularly cut to improve conditions for young trees coming from seeds. Further regular cutting is done in the power line protective corridor adjacent to the oxbow. The most extensive cutting was done between the oxbow and the water pool during reparation of the power pole which crashed during the winter of 2014. Willows and tall sedge stands were removed there to make place for heavy machines (about 15x200 m). Yet herbs and tall sedge stands restored well during the growing season of 2014. In riparian vegetation in other localities, no cutting has been done. Further regulation of the riparian vegetation in the TPA will be done in the frame of its revitalisation.


c) Elimination of competitive plant species

Where needed, a hand-operated elimination of competitively stronger aquatic plant species was made (Nuphar lutea in water, Sagittaria sagittifolia and Glyceria maxima) along the shore at TPA.

In particular localities of the PLA Kokořínsko water pools, the development of populations was similar to each other. The populations were biggest and most vital in 5th–8th year after planting, when P. praelongus was the predominating aquatic plant species. Clogging and eutrophication of the pools caused expansion of competitively strong aquatic and wetland species and P. praelongus retreated. To slow down aging and clogging of the water pools, regular management measures are made consisting in elimination of competitively strong wetland species (e.g. Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia, moss Calliergonella cuspidata) and aquatic species (e.g. Potamogeton natans).


d) Protection from herbivore organisms and ducks

Introduction of tens of white fish individuals (Ctenopharyngo donidella) into two large water pools below Plešivec in the TPA Kokořínsko by unknown fishers caused a big problem. P. praelongus populations were completely destroyed in these water pools. White fish was continuously caught on hook during 2015; nowadays, electric fishing is used. In most of the Czech localities, aquatic species are endangered by white fish and water birds. Ducks caused decrease of P. praelongus population size in the TPA, the Kašparovo Lake, and water pools below Plešivec. In Heřmaničky (an oxbow of the Ploučnice river), also swans were observed. Protective cages against ducks have been put up in the TPA and the Kašparovo Lake, but they are not efficient enough.

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